I also love music. I listen to almost anything, country, rap, hip hop, rock, top 40, Christian, alternative, anything but scream-o music. I love to speed songs up and upload them on youtube so if you ever want to check that out, my youtube name is ellis4216. I listen to music all the time.
I still like cartoons. My favorites are Looney Tunes and Phineas and Ferb. I also love adult cartoons like Family Guy, King of the Hill, Robot Chicken.
My family life is different, I have divorced parents. I have one full brother, one full sister, and two step brothers. My sister is the oldest and then I'm next. At the moment I don't live with either parents, I am living with my grandmother because she lives in town and both my parents live out side of Springfield. Its not to bad living with my grandma except she smokes so I smell like smoke everywhere I go.
For my job, I am a free lancer for t.v. production. I mainly work for a company call MC22 and I work cameras and I work tape and replay. MC22 is a local t.v. production company that does lots of local high school and college sports.
I spend most of my days with my girlfriend, Tara Lee Melton. We just celebrated our one year together. She is my other half and I love her very much.
I drive a piece of crap car, its a 2004 dodge intrepid. I have only had it since November of 2010 and I have already put a thousand dollars into for repairs. And now the A/C is out so that will be another repair to add to it.
I am going to OTC for media. I love making videos and editing them. Right now I am in a class where my group has to make a twenty minute show. We are going we a C.S.I. theme. It will be on youtube when ever we finish it.
Great post! Where are the rest?