Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One of my crazy McDonald's experiences

This is just one of many crazy McDonald’s experiences that I’ve had.  This one is from when I worked for McDonalds.  I had put my two weeks notice in because I had found a higher paying job.  Well I was down to only about three or four days left and they started messing with my hours.  They would work me till one a.m. then bring me back in at eight a.m. so I wasn’t getting enough sleep for the kind of work I was doing.  They were doing this to me because they were mad that I was quitting because I knew how to do everything there.  I could cook, wrap the burgers, run the cashier, clean, make the tea, do the dishes, run the drive thru, and unload the truck when it came.  So they didn’t want to have to train new people how to do all of this.  Well one morning after working till one in the morning, I came in and we had a morning rush and after it was over I walked up to my manager and told her that I was going to take a break cause I was tired and that I was being over worked.  She told me no, that I haven’t done anything that morning, which was a lie, I worked my butt off for them.  So I went off on her in front of all the customers, calling her liar, and that I work my ass off for them and then I called her an f-ing bitch.  That’s when she told me to go home and then I got a call later saying don’t worry about finishing your two week notice.  And that’s only one of many crazy times at McDonalds.  There will be many, many more crazy McDonalds stories to come.

1 comment:

  1. yo i go through the same thing every fucking day, its CRAZY!!! i get used a lot and i cook everything. i feel for you, i just got an interview at subway and im about to give them a two weeks notice
