Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Plans

Every year for Thanksgiving since I was  young, My dad, sister, brother and me have always gone to my grandparents house in Lockwood, Mo.  I love going there for Thanksgiving. My family is really fun to be around and my grandma is a really good cook.  She makes the best green beans ever and this is the only time of the year I get to have them.  We always watch football and just sit around the living room and eat all day and joke around with each other. My uncles and dad love to pick on each other and everybody else too. My grandpa is probably the best on picking on people.  Some times we play games or cards or some years most of us take a nap.  I notice the older I'm getting the more the nap part sounds good.  My dads side of the family is pretty good sized.  My dad has two brothers, one of them have five boys and the other one has one boy and one girl. So there are ten grandchildren in total ranging from four to twenty three. I am the fourth oldest grandchild at twenty. But it is always a good time and great food and that is about one out of two or three days out of the year that I get to see that side of the family since they leave a little ways away. I think this year my girlfriend, Tara, may come out with me.  She has met that side of the family before but only once and I think she will fit in just fine. So these are my Thanksgiving plans that I do every year and plan on doing every year until plans change.

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