Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Thanksgiving Plans
Every year for Thanksgiving since I was young, My dad, sister, brother and me have always gone to my grandparents house in Lockwood, Mo. I love going there for Thanksgiving. My family is really fun to be around and my grandma is a really good cook. She makes the best green beans ever and this is the only time of the year I get to have them. We always watch football and just sit around the living room and eat all day and joke around with each other. My uncles and dad love to pick on each other and everybody else too. My grandpa is probably the best on picking on people. Some times we play games or cards or some years most of us take a nap. I notice the older I'm getting the more the nap part sounds good. My dads side of the family is pretty good sized. My dad has two brothers, one of them have five boys and the other one has one boy and one girl. So there are ten grandchildren in total ranging from four to twenty three. I am the fourth oldest grandchild at twenty. But it is always a good time and great food and that is about one out of two or three days out of the year that I get to see that side of the family since they leave a little ways away. I think this year my girlfriend, Tara, may come out with me. She has met that side of the family before but only once and I think she will fit in just fine. So these are my Thanksgiving plans that I do every year and plan on doing every year until plans change.
World Series here we come!!
My favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals and they made it to the World Series this year and tonight is game one! No one thought they would even make it into the playoffs. With thirty days left in the regular season the Cardinals were ten and a half games out of the wild card. They went on a hot steak and it came down to the last game of the regular season. If the Cardinals won and the Braves lost, they were in. If the Braves won and the Cardinals lost then the Braves were in and if both teams won, they would have one playoff game and winner would continue into the playoffs and the loser would go home. So in the first series, the Cardinals had to play the Phillies, which had the best record in the National League. It was a best out of five series and it came down to game five. Only problem was that it was in Philly but the Cardinals were the second best road team in the regular season. So the Cardinals went into Philly and beat them in a need to win game and moved on to the next round. So in the second series, they had to face the Brewers who were the best home team in the Majors. This was a best of seven series. This one went back in forth but the Cardinals won it in game six in the Brewers stadium, causing a huge upset. Now they have to face the power hitting Texas Rangers. A lot of people are counting out the Cardinals, but they have been counting out the Cardinals all season long and look where they are now! I plan on watching every game that I can, unless I have to work but I am really excited that my team made it to the World Series and is the best National League team in 2011!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Ranger
When I was sixteen, my grandpa traded a gun for a 1989 Ford Ranger, four speed to help me practice with stick driving. So me and my best friend Dexter would take it out to the field and practice driving it. Dexter and I loved to have bonfires and loved to camp but always hated sleeping in a tent. So we got an awesome idea. We decided to make the Ranger into a camping truck. We made a bed frame that fitted the bed of the truck perfectly and we went a bought a mattress and it fitted in there perfect too. Then we found a camper shell to put over it and it worked out perfect. It was big enough for both of us, it had windows for the day time and we could close it up at night. It was much better than sleeping in a tent which people say thats the only way to camp but I thought our truck was pretty close too. So our next bonfire everyone loved our camping truck and thought it was the coolest thing ever. Now we didn't have to set up a tent or worry about tearing it down either. It was always built up and it was way better than a tent too. But the older we got, the busier we got and ended up tearing it apart. But it is still the coolest thing I have put together and i'm glad I got to do it with my best friend.
My favorite songs of the week
So almost every week a new song comes out and it becomes my favorite song of the week. Well this week I have three favorite songs all by the same artist from his new album. Luke Byran is the artist this week. The first song is called Too Damn Young. This song is about a young couple that sneak out of their house's to go to the dock for a swim and they fall in love and how they are too damn young to know any better. Here is how the chorus goes. "Every time my feet are dangling in the water, I can't help but think about her lying there, with her wet hair. Didn't know what we were doing but we didn't care.
That old wooden dock was warm on our backs, a t-shirt for a pillow and just like that, she kissed me like she meant forever. We were too damn young to know any better. The second song is called Drunk On You. In this song he talks about a girl he likes and that she is his drug or "beer" in this case. Here is how the chorus goes. "Girl you make my speakers go boom boom, dancin' on the tailgate in the full moon. That kinda thing makes a man go mmm hmmm. You're lookin' so good in what's left of those blue jeans, drip of honey on the moneymaker gotta be the best buzz I'm ever gonna find. Hey I'm a little drunk on you and high on summertime." The last song is his new single called I Don't Want This Night To End. Here is how the chorus goes. "You got your hands up, you're rocking in my truck. You got the radio on, you're singing every song. I'm set on cruise control. I'm slowing loosing hold of everything I got. You're looking so damn hot. And I don't know what road we're on, or where we've been from starrin' at you. Girl, all I know is I don't want this night to end. These are my favorites songs of the week!
That old wooden dock was warm on our backs, a t-shirt for a pillow and just like that, she kissed me like she meant forever. We were too damn young to know any better. The second song is called Drunk On You. In this song he talks about a girl he likes and that she is his drug or "beer" in this case. Here is how the chorus goes. "Girl you make my speakers go boom boom, dancin' on the tailgate in the full moon. That kinda thing makes a man go mmm hmmm. You're lookin' so good in what's left of those blue jeans, drip of honey on the moneymaker gotta be the best buzz I'm ever gonna find. Hey I'm a little drunk on you and high on summertime." The last song is his new single called I Don't Want This Night To End. Here is how the chorus goes. "You got your hands up, you're rocking in my truck. You got the radio on, you're singing every song. I'm set on cruise control. I'm slowing loosing hold of everything I got. You're looking so damn hot. And I don't know what road we're on, or where we've been from starrin' at you. Girl, all I know is I don't want this night to end. These are my favorites songs of the week!
The Perfect Weekend
If I could plan the perfect weekend and money was not an option, this is how it would go. First off, my weekend would start on Thursday. Early on Thursday, my girlfriend and me would fly to Washington D.C. and tour all the major museums and at night when the lights are out we will go tour the monuments. Then the first thing Friday morning we would fly to Orlando, Florida and go to Orlando Studios all day and ride rides and later that night, I would take my girlfriend to a nice dinner with a beautiful view. Then first thing Saturday we would fly to New Orleans because my girlfriend has always wanted to go there. We would spend most the day enjoying the views, trying the foods and listening to my local music. Then that night we would fly to Las Vegas and catch a show. Probably the Blue Man Group or that new act called Fighting Gravity. Then the first thing Sunday morning we would fly to Pittsburg to watch the Steelers play football because that's my girlfriend's favorite football team. I like another team but I love to watch football so I would have fun too. After the football team we would fly to Chicago and go to the famous Wrigley Field and watch the Cubs and the Cardinals play. The Cardinals are my favorite team and I've always wanted to go to Wrigley Field because of the history of it. After that game we would fly home and rest and talk about the fun we had on our perfect weekend.
Oh, I don't have AAA?
So on Monday of this week, I was on the opposite side of town running some errands and I go to get back in the car and it won't start. So I said great, now what. So I thought to myself, "Hey, I have AAA, I will just call them and get a free tow." So I call AAA and tell them what I need and give them my member ship number only to find out that I don't have AAA anymore because my step mom stop paying for it. So I decided to call my Allstate agent to see if I had road side assistants and of course I don't. So I was trying to figure out what I was going to do. I tried to start my car again and it started. I thought if I babied it home, I'll just get there and then I'll look at it. So I started driving and got about half way home when I pulled up to the light at Kansas and College. I stopped at the red light and my car died and started smoking. Great. Thankful a woman and a man got out of their cars and helped me push it out of the road and out of traffic. After that I called my grandparents to ask them what I should do. They said they would call my cousin's boyfriend because he is a mechanic and he came and towed me to his house where he works on cars. He thinks it's a head gasket which is not good but he can do it for cheap so i'm thankful for that. My cousin took me to get my dad's truck to borrow for the week. After all of this my grandma said something that made my day better. She said, "Adam, if you didn't have bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all."
Monday, October 10, 2011
Mix it up
I love mixing songs together and putting them on YouTube for people to listen and give me feed back. I also love speeding songs up and listening to what they sound like. I have uploaded forty-two videos to YouTube and most of them are either mixes or sped up songs. That’s kind of my hobby I guess. Some people collect stuff or draw, I like to play around with music and see what I can make. I really want to do some dj stuff on the side but the equipment for that stuff is really expensive so that’s why I don’t do that. But I love to mix two or more songs together and make a cool mix. I sometimes to run out song mix for local high schools so they can have their own custom song to run out too. I have one on YouTube that has over two thousand hits and plan to put another one up there soon. I have a lot of the sped up songs on YouTube and the very first one I did which is the song, “If I Die Young”, by The Band Perry has over nine thousand hits and an unknown artist named Jon Young used my sped up version in his rap song he made called “2 soon.” It makes me feel really good when people comment on my videos and say stuff like good job or that rocks and ask me how they can get their own copy so they can listen to it outside of YouTube. So this is one of my hobbies that I enjoy doing. And I hope others enjoy the songs I make and mix and speed up. If you would like to check out my videos, go to and search ellis4216 and my videos should pop up.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I still like cartoons! And I don't care what you think!
Yes I know that I'm 20 years old but I don't care! I still like to watch cartoons. My favorite is Looney Tunes! It was my favorite as a kid and it's my favorite cartoon now! You have to love Bugs Bunny, he always out smarts his foes in funny ways! I also like to watch this show called Phineas and Ferb! Its about a boy and his step brother and its during summer vacation. They do something different everyday and its always amazing things like building a roller coaster or a mini golf course or once they made it snow in summer! But their older sister, Candace, is always trying to bust them and get them in trouble but every time their parents, their mom used to be a 80's pop star, get home, everything they have built disappears some how. They also have a pet patter puss that is a secret agent who goes out everyday and fights against this guy who is trying to take over the tri-state area then returns home to be their pet. So its kind of a story in a story. I also like a show called Adventure Time which is about a boy and his talking dog go on adventures to help others and Regular Show which is a bird and a raccoon buddies that work to make money to do fun stuff but they always screw up. And I like adult cartoons like Family Guy which is my all time favorite show and American Dad. So yeah, I'm 20 years old and I'm almost done with college, have a car payment and insurance payment, about to move out on my own, and when I do move out on my own I will watch cartoons there too! I still like cartoons and I'm proud of it!
One of my crazy McDonald's experiences
This is just one of many crazy McDonald’s experiences that I’ve had. This one is from when I worked for McDonalds. I had put my two weeks notice in because I had found a higher paying job. Well I was down to only about three or four days left and they started messing with my hours. They would work me till one a.m. then bring me back in at eight a.m. so I wasn’t getting enough sleep for the kind of work I was doing. They were doing this to me because they were mad that I was quitting because I knew how to do everything there. I could cook, wrap the burgers, run the cashier, clean, make the tea, do the dishes, run the drive thru, and unload the truck when it came. So they didn’t want to have to train new people how to do all of this. Well one morning after working till one in the morning, I came in and we had a morning rush and after it was over I walked up to my manager and told her that I was going to take a break cause I was tired and that I was being over worked. She told me no, that I haven’t done anything that morning, which was a lie, I worked my butt off for them. So I went off on her in front of all the customers, calling her liar, and that I work my ass off for them and then I called her an f-ing bitch. That’s when she told me to go home and then I got a call later saying don’t worry about finishing your two week notice. And that’s only one of many crazy times at McDonalds. There will be many, many more crazy McDonalds stories to come.
Karma's a Bitch
I was over at a classmate’s house and it was Shuey, Dube, Jarvis, Tab, Tara and I. We were script writing for a project in class we all had together. We decided to take a break and play some hacky sack in the front yard and we hit record on the camera just for the heck of it. So we are in a huge circle in the front yard playing hacky sack when a girl walks up to us holding a bag and a take out box. She walks up and says, “Hi, my name is Cassidy and I’m a runaway. I haven’t slept in 28 hours and I’m walking to a friends house, can someone give me a ride?” We all looked at each other for a minute and replied, “How old are you?” She said she was almost 18 but to me she looked like she was maybe 16. Well we told her that we couldn’t aid a runaway minor. To which she said, “I’m not a minor, I’m legally independent. Tab said, “If your legally independent then why do you have to runaway?” The whole thing didn’t make sense. She looked down and stated, “Karma’s a bitch.” Then after telling us that, asked for another ride. We said no again and she walked off. During this whole thing we noticed she was twitching, so we knew she was on something. So we called the cops, told them a girl named Cassidy walked up to us saying she was a runaway and that we have the whole thing on tape. So about 10 minutes later the cops show up and look at the tape and they recognized her and said that this wasn’t her first time and that she was only 16. So they drive down the road to see if they can find her. So after awhile we get hungry and all hop in a car and drive to get some food and we drive down where she was walking and we find the cops in a close by park with her in the back seat. We thought we were heroes caused we saved a 16 year old girl from danger and drugs.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
November 28th, 2011
On November 28th, 2011, my girlfriend, Tara, and I are going to go watch the Steelers take on the Chiefs on Sunday night football. I have been to a couple of Chiefs games but never a night game so I am really excited. Tara has never been to a football game so she is even more excited. The reason we picked this game to go to is because i'm a Chiefs fan and Tara is, well, a Steelers fan. But we aren't in each other faces about which team is better, mainly because Tara doesn't know that much about football. It should be a fun game and probably colder than crap but i'm hoping for forty degree weather. And I just got Tara her very own Steelers jersey with her name on the back and a terrible towel to wave, that's a Steelers thing. And I have my own Chiefs jersey but it's from a player who doesn't play for the Chiefs anymore so I might to get a new one. I wanted to get one of either Eric Berry, their best safety, or of Jamal Charles, their best running back, but both of them are out for the rest of the season. But I might get one anyway and just say I had it before the season started. I'm hoping the Chiefs start to do better before that game comes because they have sucked the first two games so far this season and it might be a long night for me if the Chiefs suck again. But the fun part is being there. It is really fun to go to a Chiefs game. They say its the loudest stadium in the NFL. It's going to be a great game, a lot of fun, and maybe really cold but at least I'll be with my girl watching the whole game from great seats.
Head First
Today I am blogging about a picture. The picture is of me but it reminds me of something else. The picture is of me diving head first onto a water trampoline while we were on vacation. We went to Lake of the Ozarks and rented a lake house for an entire week. At this lake house there was a dock, a boat, and a water trampoline. So one day we spent the whole day jumping off the dock and doing poses for the camera. My older sister, Ashalyn, was sitting on the water trampoline taking the pictures. So I had an idea. I would dive head first toward the camera onto the water trampoline to see what it would look like. And although we took a lot of pictures that day of us jumping off like all the boys doing the YMCA in mid air or my younger brother doing a causal lay back jump which was funny, my favorite picture was the one of me diving head first with my arms out like super man, my goofy shades on, and my mouth wide open. We also took pictures of us tubing which were some funny pictures too. We had a thing to where if you wanted to go faster you put your thumb up, if you wanted to slow down, you put your thumb down. We got a picture of my younger step brother putting his thumb down and the boat wasn't going very fast at all. We also got a picture of my brother on the boat with his whole head wrapped in a towel except his eyes which were covered in shades. He looked like a movie star trying to cover their face. We ended up taking over two hundred pictures that week and even took some videos, but the best picture of all was the head first dive towards the camera.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
My first we go
My name is Adam Ellis and I am new to blogging, so here we go. I will start my first blog with a little about myself. My name is Adam Ellis, I have been going to OTC since I was a junior in high school in 2007-2008. I am a huge sports fan. My favorite teams are the St. Louis Cardinals, the Kansas City Chiefs, and the Oklahoma City Thunder. I have seen all three of these teams play live, which was awesome! I love to watch sportscenter and sports nation.
I also love music. I listen to almost anything, country, rap, hip hop, rock, top 40, Christian, alternative, anything but scream-o music. I love to speed songs up and upload them on youtube so if you ever want to check that out, my youtube name is ellis4216. I listen to music all the time.
I still like cartoons. My favorites are Looney Tunes and Phineas and Ferb. I also love adult cartoons like Family Guy, King of the Hill, Robot Chicken.
My family life is different, I have divorced parents. I have one full brother, one full sister, and two step brothers. My sister is the oldest and then I'm next. At the moment I don't live with either parents, I am living with my grandmother because she lives in town and both my parents live out side of Springfield. Its not to bad living with my grandma except she smokes so I smell like smoke everywhere I go.
For my job, I am a free lancer for t.v. production. I mainly work for a company call MC22 and I work cameras and I work tape and replay. MC22 is a local t.v. production company that does lots of local high school and college sports.
I spend most of my days with my girlfriend, Tara Lee Melton. We just celebrated our one year together. She is my other half and I love her very much.
I drive a piece of crap car, its a 2004 dodge intrepid. I have only had it since November of 2010 and I have already put a thousand dollars into for repairs. And now the A/C is out so that will be another repair to add to it.
I am going to OTC for media. I love making videos and editing them. Right now I am in a class where my group has to make a twenty minute show. We are going we a C.S.I. theme. It will be on youtube when ever we finish it.
We that is me, Adam Ellis. I hope you have learned something about me and I would like to know more about all of you.
I also love music. I listen to almost anything, country, rap, hip hop, rock, top 40, Christian, alternative, anything but scream-o music. I love to speed songs up and upload them on youtube so if you ever want to check that out, my youtube name is ellis4216. I listen to music all the time.
I still like cartoons. My favorites are Looney Tunes and Phineas and Ferb. I also love adult cartoons like Family Guy, King of the Hill, Robot Chicken.
My family life is different, I have divorced parents. I have one full brother, one full sister, and two step brothers. My sister is the oldest and then I'm next. At the moment I don't live with either parents, I am living with my grandmother because she lives in town and both my parents live out side of Springfield. Its not to bad living with my grandma except she smokes so I smell like smoke everywhere I go.
For my job, I am a free lancer for t.v. production. I mainly work for a company call MC22 and I work cameras and I work tape and replay. MC22 is a local t.v. production company that does lots of local high school and college sports.
I spend most of my days with my girlfriend, Tara Lee Melton. We just celebrated our one year together. She is my other half and I love her very much.
I drive a piece of crap car, its a 2004 dodge intrepid. I have only had it since November of 2010 and I have already put a thousand dollars into for repairs. And now the A/C is out so that will be another repair to add to it.
I am going to OTC for media. I love making videos and editing them. Right now I am in a class where my group has to make a twenty minute show. We are going we a C.S.I. theme. It will be on youtube when ever we finish it.
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